EURAD Final Event Meeting participation

Start date:23/04/2024
End date: 25/04/2024
Beneficiary: Jérémy PERROT
Location: Pullman Hotel, Bucharest

This mission involved attending the EURAD Final Event held in Bucharest, Romania, from April 23rd to April 25th. The event, organised by ANDRA, aimed to conclude the EURAD program and share knowledge and accomplishments from all Work Packages with the broader community. It provided conclusions, technical progress updates, and an overview of the activities during this three-year-program on radioactive waste management.

I participated in the three-day meeting as a representative of the Laboratoire Hubert Curien in the WP17: MODATS. As a PhD student, I contributed to the Student Session by presenting my work for ANDRA on optical fiber qualification and advancements in radiation effects on opotical fiber senors achieved during the last two and a half years of my thesis. This presentation also afforded me the opportunity to illustrate the impact of EURAD on my work and career trajectory to the community.

Additionally, I prepared a dedicated poster for the poster session, focusing on optical fiber qualification under gamma irradiation for ANDRA. I attended all three days of the event and particpated in all social gatherings organised by ANDRA.

EURAD Work Packages involved