Requirement management system supports effective leadership and efficient management of a radioactive waste programme by addressing the following issues:
- “Do the right things”
- Develop “the right products”
- Implement the “right products” at the “right time”
“Do the right things” is the key element of the management allowing to arrive at “the right product(s)” with the “product(s)” being built right and at the required time. To ensure that the things are done right it has to be clearly specified “who” must develop and implement the product/technology/programme (“what”) and how and when the “what” has to be implemented to fulfil the goals/needs. For this it is important to properly define the national stakeholders, including the external stakeholders (those having a “problem” and being strongly interested or obliged in finding a solution), external ones (usually the WMO) and the other stakeholders, than do not have formal responsibilities and are informed and involved through consultation (usually the public) but their agreement/acceptance is important for successful implementation of a waste management programme.
For Romanian geological disposal programme, that is under initially planning stage, a correct developed Requirement Management System can be an effective tool for the efficient and step wise implementation of the programme.
By attending this training course, the main elements, and the means for starting developing such a system, even in a simplified form, were identified.