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EURAD Training course on Monitoring in Geological Disposal facilities of radioactive waste

January 22, 2024 - January 26, 2024

Registrations are closed for this event


A successful strategy for radioactive waste disposal should address both technical and societal needs, and monitoring has the potential to contribute to both of these aspects. Monitoring during repository operations can be used to build further understanding of the processes occurring in the repository during operational phase (construction, waste emplacement, backfilling and closure) and early post-closure phase.

Monitoring can also contribute to public and stakeholder understanding of processes occurring in the repository, and hence, it can respond to public concerns and be used to build further confidence in geological disposal in addition to that achieved during licensing. Monitoring can therefore play a role in enabling waste management organisations to work towards the safe disposal of radioactive waste.


The Monitoring training is targeted to offer an overview of monitoring aspects in the field of geological disposal (in crystalline and clay host rocks) and methodology to conduct a monitoring strategy. The training aims to provide participants a set of competences based on the work inside the EU project dedicated on monitoring (Modern, Modern2020…).


The participants should have a:

Basic knowledge of RWM, in particular radioactive waste disposal
Basic overview about safety fundamentals and existing international recommendations

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this training course, participants should be able to:

Describe the relevant processes for the geological disposal during operational phases and early post-closure phase
Discuss the role of monitoring for geological disposal during operational phases and early post-closure phase
Understand the methodology to select monitoring parameters
Describe monitoring sensors and technologies
Discuss monitoring system design, installation, and operation
Reflect on the contribution of monitoring data to decision making
Understand expectations from differents stakeholders

Preliminary programme

Click here to download the preliminary programme.


This training course will be organised online. The participants will receive a MS Teams link one week prior to the start of the training course. If you register for this training course, you agree that it will be recorded and that the recording will be published online afterwards.
The registration deadline is January 15 2024.


Practical details

January 22, 2024
January 26, 2024
Distance learning, Webinar



Organisation and target audience

Contact person:
Niels Belmans
Target audience:
National Regulators; Technical Support Organizations; Waste Management Organizations; Professionals/Experts involved in the safety case development and/or review; Civil Society Experts; Researchers involved in the RWM; Participants involved in cooperating projects as PREDIS, etc.)
Link to EURAD Roadmap theme:
5.5: Monitoring and Retrievability
Monitoring; Geological Disposal Facility; Radioactive Waste Management

Other details

Educational level:
EQF Level 7: equivalent to Master degree, post-graduate
5 days
Registration deadline: