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Training course | Multiphysics and multiscale coupled processes in geomaterials – Focus on thermal effects and gas transfer impact on the behaviour of geomaterials
August 28, 2023 - September 1, 2023
Background information
Geomechanics plays a significant role in the understanding of the multiphysics and multiscale processes taking place in a geological disposal facility for radioactive waste. The objective of the training course is to introduce state-of-the-art understanding, concepts and methods related to thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled processes, the physical impacts of thermal loading and the mechanistic understanding of gas migration in geomaterials. Results from the EURAD project will be integrated to the course. Half day will be dedicated to presentations by early-career researchers. A visit to the HADES Underground Research Laboratory (EURIDICE, Mol, Belgium) will be organised on the last day of the course.
Click here to download a (preliminary) programme.
Click here to registerNOTE: By registering you will be placed on a waiting list (80 seats are available). The course organisers will confirm your attendance via mail no sooner than July 1st 2023. Priority will be given to EURAD and ALERT members. By registering for this training course, you agree with pictures being taken during the training course, as well as using your contact information to update you on this training course.