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MOnitoring equipment and DAta Treatment for Safe repository operation and staged closure (MODATS) – WP SYNTHESIS SESSION
May 22, 2024 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
We are glad to invite you to the Monitoring Equipment and Data Treatment for Safe Repository Operation and Staged Closure (MODATS) work package (WP) synthesis session.
The MODATS WP of the EURAD aimed to evaluate, develop and describe monitoring methods and technologies, and to provide the means to measure, treat, analyse and manage monitoring data in a consistent manner.
In particular, the MODATS WP was conducting research, development and demonstration (RD&D) into:
repository monitoring data management and use of monitoring data to enhance system understanding, including development of digital twins,
development of repository monitoring technologies, and
development of knowledge regarding repository monitoring,
interactions with civil society and other stakeholders,
interactions with knowledge management WPs.
At the end of the WP, a series of tools, methods and guidance documents on, and examples of how, monitoring data acquisition, management and treatment can be undertaken will be available for programmes to use in designing specific repository monitoring programmes. To facilitate meeting this ambition, the WP worked on real data sets from five recent full-scale underground research laboratory (URL) experiments, referred to as the MODATS Reference Experiments.
The synthesis session aims to give a summary of the key results, lessons learned, and actions taken in the MODATS WP. These findings will cover main research and technical results, complemented with information about the WP management approach (Steering Committee), civil society engagement, interaction with other WPs and contribution to EURAD knowledge management programme.
MODATS results can be used to build confidence in monitoring data by contributing to the three main purposes of monitoring data recognized by the IAEA (AIEA TEDOC1208). Illustrative examples of how the work contributes to each monitoring purpose will be given.
Practical information
Click here to view the recording of this webinar.
The slides can be downloaded here.