Poster presentation at EURAD final event

Start date:23/04/2024
End date: 25/04/2024
Beneficiary: Oscar ALMENDROS
Location: Pullman Hotel, Bucharest

The main objective on assisting to EURAD’s final event was to present a poster about my late research work within EURAD project. The secondary objective, to put it in this way, was assisting to the congress itself. Specifically I was interested in the work package (WP) final reviews done by the WP leaders.

Listening at the presentations, it is clear that the different WPs have achieved excellent results within their own scope. Nontheless, research work is still needed. Some of the WP will transition in one way or another to EURAD-2 project, allowing for further research on the studied topics related with nuclear waste management.

Having worked within WP3-CORI, it was of my interest to hear Dr. Altmaier review about the WP. From his presentation, one can understand the excellent results achieved throught these past five years of work, despite the complex systems studied (cement-organics-radionuclides interaction). It was stated that further work shall be done to understand these systems, because it is clear that the organics presence within repositories do have an effect towards RN migration/retention, affecting, by extention, the safety assestment.

Another topic that caught my interest in the final event was the discussion in the student’s sessions. Having done my PhD within EURAD’s project, it is of my interest to hear about the different job options for the future, and the open discussion about the need of postdocs for EURAD-2.

Overall the assistance to EURAD’s final event has been an interesting experience and the knowledge that I have gained from it it is of great interest for me.

EURAD Work Packages involved