The intention of the EURAD-2 Mobility Programme is to financially support both junior and senior professionals, as well as PhD students to:

  • visit infrastructures from EURAD-2 partners and end-users,
  • undertake internships/exchange programmes between institutions within EURAD-2,
  • attend conferences in the field of radioactive waste management (RWM) (in the EU),
  • follow training courses (life-long learning) in the field of Radioactive Waste Management (RWM).

These activities should serve competence development for the trainee and collaboration between EURAD-2 partners. They can be complementary to training courses and/or part of a Continuous Personal Development (CPD) programme.

By the terms visit, internship and course we mean:

  • Visit = a short stay during which the visitor observes the activities performed at a certain institute or company
  • Internship = a period of time during which a student or a professional participates to the local activities in a certain institute or company in order to increase knowledge and /or skills. In case of reciprocal internships (person A from institute B visiting institute C and person D from institute C visiting institute B dealing the same scientific/technical subject) we use the terminology “exchange programme”.
  • Course = a set of classes or a structured programme of study on a particular subject, optionally with an assessment to measure the gained competences, leading to a qualification.
  • Conferences/Workshops = an attendance at scientific or technology events outside EURAD-2; attendance costs would be provided to those who would not be otherwise able to cover the anticipated budget.


The EURAD-2 Mobility Programme is intended for those who would like to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of RWM.

Especially PhD students, postdocs and junior/senior professionals/researchers are eligible to receive financial support through the EURAD-2 Mobility Programme.

The support is only granted:

  • To applicants proposing activities related to the scope/themes of EURAD
  • For travel outside the country of residence, but within the EU
  • Maximum three times per person
  • If the quality of the proposal/training/benefits/motivation/impact is found significant by the Evaluation Committee
  • If the activity takes place within 9 months after the application deadline.

The mobility grant is not granted:

  • To mobility actions that can be covered through either the EURAD-2 WPs travel budget or personal EURAD-2 budget that is available for participants. The mobility evaluation committee takes exclusive responsibility for evaluation of the priority of mobility actions.

Only complete applications will be considered. To successful applicants, the EURAD-2 Mobility Programme will provide mobility grants intended exclusively to cover mobility costs.


The EURAD-2 Mobility Programme will cover expenses related to mobility and access/registration fees for conferences/training courses. These include:

  • Travel
  • Daily allowance (e.g. meal costs)
  • Accommodation

Potential other costs related to the mobility action will be covered by the applicant.


The call will be announced at the EURAD-2 website, the EURAD School website, and via EURAD-2’s social media accounts. The call remains open (see ‘Deadlines’) between January 2025 and June 2029 or while funds are available.

Besides filling out an application form, applicants will be asked to submit additional documents:

  • Description of the proposed activity (if applicable)

Applications that did not use the foreseen templates are not considered eligible.


The following maximum lump sums are available:

  • Travel (flight): up to €600
  • Local transportation
  • Hotel costs: up to €100/night
  • Daily allowance: based on your own organisation’s daily allowance rates
  • Registration fee (for non-EURAD-2 courses/conferences): up to €500

“Lump sums” described above are the maximum budget applicants can be requesting for travel, daily allowance and/or accommodation. The applicant has to provide a reasonable budget in his/her application, based on an honest estimate, and the evaluators will check if it is a realistic budget. When the application is accepted, the amount will be paid to the applicant independent of any receipts or proof of payments by the applicant.

Please note: There will be a maximum of €3000 per mobility action. In case of exceptional need for a longer mobility action that exceeds the maximum lump sum, a request can be put forward to the PMO and Coordinator for approval.

Lump sums will be paid as follows:

  • EURAD partners apply for the Mobility Programme;
  • The application is evaluated (see ‘Submission and Evaluation’);
  • WP2 Task 4 partners inform the applicant of approval and the awarded amount;
  • Beneficiary performs mobility action and completes the mission report;
  • WP2 Task 4 partners review the mission report (see ‘Submission and Evaluation’); Beneficiary or Affiliated Entity claims the costs to the next EC reporting by adding the expense in the “Use of resources” established by each Beneficiary and by each Affiliated Entity as other direct costs associated to WP2 Task 4. The costs declared are eligible if they incurred during the concerned period ;
  • EURAD-2 PMO approves the costs and transfers the payment to the partner upon receipt of funds from the European Commission.




Year Application deadlines Decision deadlines
2025 (launched Jan. 10) – 2028 End of even months End of uneven months

End of even months

Last deadline will be April 30, 2029

End of uneven months

Last deadline will be May 31, 2029


Each applicant may only submit one application within one application deadline.

Submissions are done via the application platform Evalato.

Applicants will be informed within 10 business days after the decision deadline.



The complete application file should be submitted via the Evalato platform before the next submission deadline (see ‘Deadlines’). The decision about financial support will be made within 10 business days after the nearest decision deadline. The time of application in relation to the application deadline has no influence on the evaluation outcome. Candidates can apply for events that take place before the next upcoming decision deadline, as long as the application is completed before the start of the event.

All applications are evaluated by the Mobility Evaluation Committee consisting of members of the EURAD-2 Knowledge Management Work Package as well as members of the EURAD-2 Programme Management Office. A recommendation for funding will be based on simple majority, with at least three evaluators participating in the evaluation. Evaluations will be done by the Evaluation Committee and/or the Work Package Leaders and Task 2 Leaders.

The members of the Evaluation Committee are:

  • Belmans Niels (SCK CEN, WP2 KM Task 4 leader)
  • Bruggeman Christophe (SCK CEN, EURAD-2 Chief Scientific Officer)
  • Gaus Irina, (Nagra, EURAD-2 Chief Scientific Officer)
  • Holt Erika (VTT, PMO)
  • Pellegrini Delphine (IRSN, PMO)
  • Matuzas Vaidas (JRC, PMO)
  • Lopez Marta (Amphos21, PMO)
  • Llorente Cristina (CIEMAT, KM Task 4 partner)
  • Tatomir Alexandru (BGE, WP2 KM Leader)

Relevant Work Package Leaders and Work Package Task 2 leaders.

Internal EURAD-2 WP mobility applications will be evaluated by the related WP leaders, assisted by Task 2 Leaders.

All other EURAD-2 mobility action applications will be evaluated by members of the EURAD-2 Mobility Evaluation Committee, according to the pre-defined criteria (see below).

The following criteria for evaluation of the applicant and of the proposed mobility action and ranking will be applied:

  • Scientific background
  • Motivation
  • Level of recommendation (by the internal supervisor, by receiving mentor and by the host institute)
  • Effectiveness of mobility
  • Potential research outcomes
  • Personal development outcomes
  • Link to aims and objectives of the EURAD-2 projects
  • Has the applicant received another EURAD-2 grant?
  • Would the applicant be able to complete the mobility action if no funding is available?
  • Can the participant’s organisation also contribute to funding the mobility action?

In order to be approved, an application should obtain a score of 70%.

In case of internships/exchange programmes/visits the host institution can unilaterally decide to decline certain candidates, provided motivation.

The mission report (written by the awardee) should be conform to the provided template. The overall quality of the report will be assessed based on following criteria:

  • Completeness (i.e. correct use of the template)
  • Language
  • Compliance with original project proposal as submitted by the applicant

Upon completion of this mission report, the awardee will send it to These mission reports will be stored and will serve as valuable output to evaluate the EURAD-2 Mobility Programme.


Successful awardees are obliged to submit a mission report not later than 30 days after completion of the activity. This report should be sent to Failure to submit the mission report will result in not accepting the claim in the ‘Use of resources’..

All publications resulting from the mobility activities shall acknowledge the EURAD-2 Mobility Programme by using the following sentence:

This work has been partially supported by the EURAD-2 Partnership through funding provided by the European Union under Grant Agreement n°101166718.