CHANCE | Characterisation of conditioned radioactive waste: Status, challenges and developments

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar, Event

During this CHANCE Topical Day (organized on March 21, 2019) the current needs, scientific evolutions and CHANCE hightlights concerning conditioned waste characterization using non-destructive techniques was highlighted. The selected speakers have either operational experience with conditioned waste characterization, or are scientists working on new characterization techniques. This Topical Day therefore also aimed at bringing together […]

CHANCE Webinar series | Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS)

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Part of a webinar series organized in respect to the technical work packages of the Characterization of conditioned radioactive waste (CHANCE) project. Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) is an innovative technique to characterize outgassing of radioactive waste. During this webinar, a general introduction to CRDS will be given, as well as the recent developments with CHANCE. […]

CHANCE Webinar series | Muon Tomography

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Muon tomography is a non-destructive technique to image objects from a safe distance. It utilizes the ever-present cosmic radiation and thus does not require additional radiation sources. Due to the highly penetrating nature of muons, it is possible to image the insides of large objects, ranging from nuclear waste drums to pyramids and volcanoes. As […]