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Lunch & Learn | Beyond conventional methods: The role of ANN in nuclear waste management

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In this talk, Virginie Solans will present the role of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in a nuclear waste management context and explain how ANNs are reshaping conventional methods. ANNs are an example of machine learning, where typically large amounts of data are analysed. After a brief introduction to ANNs, she will provide examples of where […]

Lunch & Learn | IAEA On-Going Activities on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options and Spent Fuel Management

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

The IAEA actively supports the sustainable, safe, secure, reliable, and economic management of spent fuel by providing its Member States (MSs) with relevant technical information and guidance based on operational experiences, lessons learned and good practices regarding spent fuel management options (recycling and disposal), and by promoting the exchange of results and the sharing of […]

Lunch & Learn | UK GDF Programme update – a suitable site, a willing community and a maturing facility design and safety case

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In December 2018, a revised UK consent based GDF siting policy was finalised. In this talk, Dr Rob Winsley of Nuclear Waste Services’, will explain recent progress that has been made towards implementation of a UK geological disposal facility (GDF). The presentation will cover the UK nuclear context, the radioactive waste inventory that the facility […]

Lunch & Learn | Submission of the application for authorization to create Cigéo (France)

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

On January 16th, Andra submitted the construction licence application (DAC) of Cigeo, the French project for the deep geological disposal facility for the most highly radioactive waste. This is a crucial step marking both a culmination and a new start for the project. First and foremost, it is the result of 30 years of progressive […]

Lunch & Learn | OFFERR – eurOpean platForm For accEssing nucleaR R&d facilities

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

OFFERR is a new European project whose aim is to set up a European User Facility Network, in nuclear science, and to establish an operational scheme facilitating access for R&D experts and students to key nuclear science infrastructure. The facility network will include more than 170 related facilities. The text of the call for application […]

Lunch & Learn | Mission (almost) completed. The Swiss proposal for a combined repository in clay rocks.

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In September Nagra has reached a major milestone. 15 years after the re-start of the nationwide search process we have communicated our proposal for the site of the Swiss repository for radioactive waste. While a formal review is still to be done. The announcement has received supporting comments from cantonal stakeholderes as well as expert […]

Lunch & Learn | Introduction to EC projects HARPERS and HARMONIZE

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Euratom Council Directives and IAEA Safety Standards provide the basis for the underlying legal and regulatory framework in radioactive waste management and decommissioning. However, the implementation of international safety standards and European Union (EU) directives can vary from one country to another as they are adapted to local considerations and national policies. These national differences […]

Lunch & Learn | Guidance on Cost Assessment and Financing Schemes of Radioactive Waste Management Programmes

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

A reliable assessment of future costs for radioactive waste management (RWM) up to its disposal and adequate mechanisms for providing financial resources for these activities form fundamental prerequisites for responsible management of radioactive waste, in line with the requirements of the Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom of 19 July 2011. Although there are many technical documents dealing […]

Lunch & Learn | The role of Knowledge Management in Civil Society

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In this Lunch and Learn session we will talk about the role of the Knowledge Management in Civil Society. How KM initiatives support CS and what is the benefit of KM for individuals and society in general. This presentation will cover many KM goals which are supported by EURAD SoK activities. Thus, one of the […]

Lunch & Learn | The NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence: A Platform to Share Knowledge on Stakeholder Engagement in Radioactive Waste Management

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Introduction to past and ongoing work of the OECD/NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC). Since its creation in the year 2000, the FSC has enabled direct stakeholder exchange in an atmosphere of mutual respect and learning. Members from 21 countries have shared experiences and challenges, identified best practices and published reports on current and future […]

Lunch & Learn | A pluralistic tool of dialogue on RWM: the Pathway Evaluation Process (PEP)

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

This Lunch & Learn session will provide a short description of the objectives, methodology and mechanisms of the tool of dialogue entitled Pathway Evaluation Process (PEP). The PEP is a serious game on RWM Governance that has been developed within the SITEX II project (2015-2017). The objective is to identify issues all along the pathways […]

Lunch & Learn | Knowledge Management in the German NWMO (BGE) – Origin, approach and practical implementation

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Gunnar Hoefer (BGE) will present and discuss the knowledge management programme at BGE, Germany. He will discuss the following: Starting with a short retrospect why the BGE is the responsible Waste Management Organization including the past and current state of knowledge on nuclear waste disposal in Germany. Showing the types of knowledge which has to […]

Lunch & Learn | Implementation of the world’s first geologic disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel – Status update from Finland

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

At the end of 2021, Posiva Oy submitted to the Finnish Government the application for a licence to operate a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel at the Olkiluoto site, off the South-West coast of the country. The talk will focus on the following: • Overall schedule for disposal operations • The licensing process and […]

Lunch & Learn | Deep Borehole Repository of high-level radioactive waste – State of knowledge and pros&cons

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Many countries are developing a geological disposal project to dispose of their high-level radioactive waste (HLW), potentially their intermediate, long-lived radioactive waste (ILW-LL) as well as spent nuclear fuel (SF) when considered as waste. The most widely selected option, for which a site selection process is underway in several countries or even achieved, is the […]

Lunch & Learn | The U.S. Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal Strategy: Status and Possible Futures

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

This Lunch & Learn session will be presented by Prof. Dr. Rodney C. Ewing. Prof. Ewing is the Frank Stanton Professor in Nuclear Security and Co-Director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and a Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences in the School of […]

Lunch & Learn | European Commission’s Joint Research Centre activities on RWM and decommissioning

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

This Lunch & Learn session will be presented by Manuel MARTIN-RAMOS (JRC). Manuel Martín Ramos (Madrid, 1970) has 25 years of experience in nuclear safety, management of spent fuel and decommissioning  both in the industry and research areas. Since 2012 he serves in the Euratom Coordination Unit in the JRC Headquarters in Brussels. Manuel was […]

Lunch & Learn | The SITEX.Network

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

This Lunch & Learn session will be presented by Delphine Pellegrini (IRSN), Nadja Zeleznik (EIMV) and Frédéric Bernier (FANC). Click here to view the recording of this Lunch & Learn session.