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PREDIS Training course | Domain Insight Training

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Training aims to share knowledge gained through each domain insight (DI) with project partners, EUGs, Students and whomever might be interested in the work of the PREDIS project. Within the PREDIS project there are 12 Dis that are written documents containing contextual information about how activities and knowledge associated with a domain contribute towards achieving […]

School on nuclear data for depletion calculations in the frame of the SANDA project

Retieseweg 111
Geel, 2440 Belgium
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face), Practical training session

A school on models in support of nuclear data will be organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in collaboration with the SCK CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology. The school will be held at the premises of the EC-JRC Geel (Retieseweg 111, 2440 Geel, Belgium) from September 11-15, 2023. The course focuses on the theme of […]

Practical-theoretical training session on Genie 2K and ISOCS for waste characterization

Jose Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant
Guadalajara, Spain
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face), Practical training session

Theoretical and practical course of Gamma spectrometry for the characterization of waste packages, large items, walls, soils, etc., Genie2k software is described for the management of ISOCS device. Main subjects: Gamma acquisition analysis, interactive peak location and area analysis. Energy and efficiency calibration, Minimum dateable Activity, Decision Threshold, Resolution, Detector characterization, Multi efficiency, Geometry Composer, […]

PREDIS Joint course on LLW/ILW management and Student meeting

Hlavní 130, Rež, 250
68 Husinec, Czech Republic
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face), Practical training session

The course should give the general over view of radioactive waste management to the young specialists, just entering the field. It intends also to provide an entrance to some of the facilities, dedicated to radioactive waste management, that means UJV waste management centre and Laboratories of Fuel Cycle chemistry department, supporting radioactive waste disposal in […]

31st Training course on Radioactive Waste Management

School of Industrial Engineers
Street José Gutiérrez Abascal 2
Madrid, 28040 Spain
Language: Spanish
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face), Practical training session, Distance learning

The 31st course on radioactive waste management, organized by CIEMAT is now open for registrations. The course provides current knowledge of the radioactive waste management, and the Spanish radioactive waste plan. For more detailed information, click here. CONTENT: - Generation, characterization and classification of radioactive waste. - Radioactive waste in Nuclear Power Plants and Radioactive […]

CHANCE Webinar series | Muon Tomography

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Muon tomography is a non-destructive technique to image objects from a safe distance. It utilizes the ever-present cosmic radiation and thus does not require additional radiation sources. Due to the highly penetrating nature of muons, it is possible to image the insides of large objects, ranging from nuclear waste drums to pyramids and volcanoes. As […]

Thermodynamic data collection and assessment

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency is pleased to announce the fifth edition of the course on “Thermodynamic data collection and assessment” organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency within the Thermochemical Database (TDB) Project. The fifth edition will take place as a 2-session webinar (3 hours per session) on the 18th and 19th of November 2021. […]

Training course on radioactive waste management

Boeretang 200
Mol, Antwerpen 2400 Belgium
SCK CEN Academy
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face)

This intensive unique seven day course will give a comprehensive overview of different aspects involved in the management of radioactive waste. The course modules will handle operational radioactive waste management during collection, characterization, conditioning, transport and (interim) storage. Course topics will focus on international best practices and regulations, national and international state-of-the-art. The course benefits […]

Online Summer School on Nuclear decommissioning and Waste Management

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In the European Union several nuclear facilities are closed or may stop their operation in the coming decade. The need to proceed with decommissioning creates a potential for new industrial activities. The availability of qualified personnel to support the emerging decommissioning market is an asset for the European industry. The present JRC-Ispra Summer School is […]

CHANCE Webinar series | Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS)

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Part of a webinar series organized in respect to the technical work packages of the Characterization of conditioned radioactive waste (CHANCE) project. Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) is an innovative technique to characterize outgassing of radioactive waste. During this webinar, a general introduction to CRDS will be given, as well as the recent developments with CHANCE. […]


School of Industrial Engineers
Street José Gutiérrez Abascal 2
Madrid, 28040 Spain
Language: Spanish
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face), Webinar

Radioactive waste toxicity requires a safety management in conditions which ensure the minimum risk to people and the environment, well within the established limits. The course provides current knowledge of the radioactive waste management, and the Spanish radioactive waste plan. This thirtieth course updates the knowledge of radioactive waste management, through the experience and knowledge […]