Geochemical and Reactive Transport Modelling for Geological Disposal

University of Bern
Hochschulstrasse 4
Bern, 3012 Switzerland
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face), Practical training session

Background information The geochemical evolution of the near field barrier system of a geological disposal is important in view of the safety and performance analyses of the repository as it will influence (i) the durability of the different materials, and (ii) speciation and mobility of radionuclides. Given the time scales involved (ten thousand to hundred […]

EURAD Training course on Uncertainty Management

Bel V
Rue Walcourt 148
Brussels, 1070 Belgium
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face)

Training aims The main aim of the training is to address the training need “7.3.1 Treatment of uncertainty” identified in EURAD deliverable D13.1 as one the five most urgent and highest priority topics. The training will also address other urgent and high priority topics such as “7.1 Safety strategy”, “3.1 Confirm wasteform compositions, properties and […]

Lunch & Learn | Mission (almost) completed. The Swiss proposal for a combined repository in clay rocks.

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In September Nagra has reached a major milestone. 15 years after the re-start of the nationwide search process we have communicated our proposal for the site of the Swiss repository for radioactive waste. While a formal review is still to be done. The announcement has received supporting comments from cantonal stakeholderes as well as expert […]

Lunch & Learn | OFFERR – eurOpean platForm For accEssing nucleaR R&d facilities

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

OFFERR is a new European project whose aim is to set up a European User Facility Network, in nuclear science, and to establish an operational scheme facilitating access for R&D experts and students to key nuclear science infrastructure. The facility network will include more than 170 related facilities. The text of the call for application […]

Information and discussion session on the SoK document on Containers

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Abstract The presentation will be based on the State of Knowledge report for HLW/SF Containers (Domain 3.2.1).  Various aspects of container design and long-term performance will be covered in the talk, including: (i) safety functions, performance targets and container requirements, (ii) the factors underlying the choice of container material, (iii) a description of the nature […]

Lunch & Learn | Submission of the application for authorization to create Cigéo (France)

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

On January 16th, Andra submitted the construction licence application (DAC) of Cigeo, the French project for the deep geological disposal facility for the most highly radioactive waste. This is a crucial step marking both a culmination and a new start for the project. First and foremost, it is the result of 30 years of progressive […]

Lunch & Learn | UK GDF Programme update – a suitable site, a willing community and a maturing facility design and safety case

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In December 2018, a revised UK consent based GDF siting policy was finalised. In this talk, Dr Rob Winsley of Nuclear Waste Services’, will explain recent progress that has been made towards implementation of a UK geological disposal facility (GDF). The presentation will cover the UK nuclear context, the radioactive waste inventory that the facility […]

Lunch & Learn | IAEA On-Going Activities on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options and Spent Fuel Management

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

The IAEA actively supports the sustainable, safe, secure, reliable, and economic management of spent fuel by providing its Member States (MSs) with relevant technical information and guidance based on operational experiences, lessons learned and good practices regarding spent fuel management options (recycling and disposal), and by promoting the exchange of results and the sharing of […]

Workshop – Ukrainian experience from exercising radioactive waste management under exceptional conditions

Language: English
Sub type: Distance learning, Webinar

About the workshop During times of war, licensees of nuclear and radiation technology facilities may be unable to meet regulatory safety requirements designed for peacetime. This challenge has arisen in Ukraine, particularly within the radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management facilities located in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and units of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power […]

Lunch & Learn | Beyond conventional methods: The role of ANN in nuclear waste management

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

In this talk, Virginie Solans will present the role of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in a nuclear waste management context and explain how ANNs are reshaping conventional methods. ANNs are an example of machine learning, where typically large amounts of data are analysed. After a brief introduction to ANNs, she will provide examples of where […]

Lunch & Learn | Tailoring the digital transition to the challenges of geological disposal in Japan

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Based on the huge volume of raw and processed information (here grouped as “knowledge”) to be handled in a national geological disposal programme, it is no longer a question of whether advanced KMS will be introduced into radwaste management programmes or not – only whether such systems can be developed and implemented before total collapse […]

Lunch & Learn | Update by the CORI Work Package

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

The Lunch&Learn session organized by CORI is summarizing main information relevant in the context of this workpackage. Aim is to introduce (i) the basic scientific facts and concepts underlying this research focused on Cement-Organics-Cement-Interactions, (ii) explain the relevance of CORI in view of enhancing Safety, and (iii) present selected technical highlights from this EURAD activity. […]

EURAD Training course on application of Requirement Management Systems

Mercure Budapest Castle Hill
Krisztina Korut 41-43, NTAK:SZ19000364, szálloda
Budapest, Hungary
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face)

Introduction The EURAD guidance work package (WP12) aims at developing a comprehensive suite of instructional guidance documents that can be used by EU Member-States and associated countries with radioactive waste management programmes, regardless of their phase or level of advancement with implementing their waste management activities. Requirements management has been selected as the broad topic […]

EURAD Training course on Monitoring in Geological Disposal facilities of radioactive waste

Language: English
Sub type: Distance learning, Webinar

Description A successful strategy for radioactive waste disposal should address both technical and societal needs, and monitoring has the potential to contribute to both of these aspects. Monitoring during repository operations can be used to build further understanding of the processes occurring in the repository during operational phase (construction, waste emplacement, backfilling and closure) and […]

Lunch & Learn | “Plus minus what?” – Uncertainty in destructive spent nuclear fuel inventory analysis

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

All analytical results of an analysis come (or should come) with an uncertainty. This uncertainty, the “plus/minus number”, is often just taken for granted by the user of the results, without much further thought. In this talk, we shall explore in more detail what is hidden (or not) behind the uncertainty number of a destructive […]

Lunch & Learn | Sensitivity Analyses in Safety Assessments for Geologic Disposal Facilities: An International Collaboration

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Addressing uncertainties is an essential part of Safety Cases for geologic disposal facilities. An important instrument for doing so is sensitivity analysis (SA), by which the impact of input parameter uncertainties on the output(s) of model calculations is studied and evaluated. While some SA methods (such as linear and rank-based methods) are routinely applied in […]

EURAD Information & Discussion Session on IDKM

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

Management of knowledge, information and data can be a challenge in radioactive waste disposal and decommissioning. Planning, construction, operation and closure of a repository involves large volumes of information over an extended duration. At the same time information, data and knowledge about repositories must be accessible and understandable by numerous generations. Managing knowledge, archiving records […]

EURAD Training course on the state-of-the- art of container corrosion phenomena under disposal conditions

Pullman Hotel World Trade Centre
Piata Montreal 10, Sect. 1
Bucharest, Romania
Language: English
Sub type: Classroom-based training (face-to-face)

Description Even though the feasibility and safety of established container solutions has been demonstrated, recent progress in understanding of materials and processes has shown that optimisation of container manufacturing and performance is possible. Widespread interest in repository optimisation exists and relevant projects are ongoing, e.g., WP HITEC and the HotBENT experiment in Grimsel. The systematic […]

MOnitoring equipment and DAta Treatment for Safe repository operation and staged closure (MODATS) – WP SYNTHESIS SESSION

Language: English
Sub type: Webinar

We are glad to invite you to the Monitoring Equipment and Data Treatment for Safe Repository Operation and Staged Closure (MODATS) work package (WP) synthesis session. The MODATS WP of the EURAD aimed to evaluate, develop and describe monitoring methods and technologies, and to provide the means to measure, treat, analyse and manage monitoring data […]